
exception tori.exception.DuplicatedPortError

Exception thrown only when the port config is duplicated within the same configuration file.

exception tori.exception.DuplicatedRouteError

Exception used when the routing pattern is already registered.

exception tori.exception.FutureFeatureException

Exception used when the future feature is used where it is not properly implemented.

exception tori.exception.InvalidConfigurationError

Exception thrown only when the configuration is invalid.

exception tori.exception.InvalidControllerDirectiveError

Exception used when the controller directive is incomplete due to missing parameter

exception tori.exception.InvalidInput

Exception used when the given input is invalid or incompatible to the requirement.

exception tori.exception.InvalidRedirectionDirectiveError

Exception used when the redirection directive is incomplete because some parameters aren’t provided or incompatible.

exception tori.exception.LoadedFixtureException

Exception raised when the fixture is loaded.

exception tori.exception.RendererNotFoundError

Exception thrown when the unknown template repository is used.

exception tori.exception.RendererSetupError

Exception thrown when there exists errors during setting up the template.

exception tori.exception.RenderingSourceMissingError

Exception used when the rendering source is not set.

exception tori.exception.RoutingPatternNotFoundError

Exception used when the routing pattern is not specified in the configuration file.

exception tori.exception.RoutingTypeNotFoundError

Exception used when the routing type is not specified in the configuration file.

exception tori.exception.SessionError

Exception thrown when there is an error with session component.

exception tori.exception.SingletonInitializationException

This exception is used when the target class contain a special attribute _singleton_instance not a reference to its own class.

exception tori.exception.UnexpectedComputationError

Exception used when the code runs mistakenly unexpectedly.

exception tori.exception.UnknownRoutingTypeError

Exception used when the routing type is not unknown.

exception tori.exception.UnknownServiceError

Exception thrown when the requested service is unknown or not found.

exception tori.exception.UnsupportObjectTypeError

Exception used when the unsupported object type is used in an inappropriate place.

Please note that this is a general exception.

exception tori.exception.UnsupportedRendererError

Exception thrown when the unsupported renderer is being registered.

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