Object-relational Mapping (ORM)

Tori Framework introduces the object-relational mapping module for MongoDB which you may find the code in tori.db.


Even though this feature is experimental, it is tested, stable and usable to use with some restrictions:

  • It currently does not works with association.
  • Filtering only restricted to exact matching.

Let’s see from the example.


First, we define the document class.

from tori.db.document import document

class Character(object):
    def __init__(self, name, _id=None):
        self._id  = _id
        self.name = name

Then, define the database.

from tori.db.database import Database

db = Database('final_fantasy_tactics')

Then, define the target collection.

from tori.db.collection import Collection

character_collection = Collection(db, Character, 'character')

Create a Document

Now, let’s create two characters (documents), “Ramza” and “Alma”, in the collection.

ramza = Character('Ramza', 1)
alma  = Character('Alma', 2)


List, Query/filter Documents

To list all characters (documents),

characters = character_collection.filter()

for character in characters:
    print('{}: {}'.format(character.id, character.name))

Then, you should see:

1: Ramza
2: Alma

Now, to find “Ramza”,

ramza = character_collection.filter(name='Ramza')

for character in characters:
    print('{}: {}'.format(character.id, character.name))

Then, you should see:

1: Ramza

Get a Document

Now, to get by ID or MongoDB’s ObjectId,

alma = character_collection.get(2)

Update Documents

Let’s say you want to rename “Alma” to “Luso”.

character = character_collection.filter(name='Alma')

character.name = 'Luso'


Delete Documents

To delete a character (document) by ID,



in the future, it should work with objects.

See also

Project Versions

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