
The routes (<routes>) is prioritized by the order in the routing list.

There are 4 types of routes are supported.

Directive Description
controller A routing directive for dynamic content handled by a controller.
resource A routing directive for static content/resource.
redirection A routing directive for relaying requests with redirection.
proxy A routing directive for proxying requests.

In general, the attribute pattern of any routing directives is to indicate the routing pattern where the directive intercepts, process and respond to any requests to the pattern. Each routing pattern is unique from each other.


For a routing directive controller, the attribute class is a class reference to a particular controller where the controller must be on the system path (for Python).

<controller class="app.note.controller.IndexController" pattern="/notes/(.*)"/>


For a routing directive redirection, the attribute destination is a string indicating the destination of the redirection, and the attribute permanent is a boolean indicating whether the redirection is permanent.

<redirection destination="/notes/" pattern="/notes"/>


For a routing directive resource, the attribute location is either:

  • an absolute or relative path to static resource,
  • a module name containing static resource.

the attribute cache is a boolean to indicate whether the resource should be cache.

<resource location="resources/favicon.ico" pattern="/favicon.ico" cache="true"/>


The directive proxy is not supported at this moment.

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